Fine Arts and Visual Art CampsLast week, a new camp parent called to ask us a few additional questions about Centauri. One of her questions was: do all your campers want to be arts professionals when they leave school? I told her no, this was absolutely not the case. Many of our campers do go on to successful arts careers, for sure – but we also have large number of campers who just enjoy being creative, and never intend to make this their career. We’re really proud of both kinds of campers, and excited that they feel equally at home at Centauri Arts Camp. Young people who know they have to make the arts their life do need a place to belong – a community to grow in, surrounded by others like them. Centauri provides that nurturing space. But in our view, it’s just as vital to nurture the desire to create, and a sensitivity to culture, in people who will never be arts professionals; we help to raise empathetic and expressive citizens that way.

About fifteen years ago at camp, I had a conversation with an unbelievably wise 12 year old camper. Her words expressed the goals of Centauri far better than I could, and because of that, I have never forgotten them, and quote them to our staff in staff training week, every year. It was the final day of the session, and this young girl came running up to me to say goodbye, before she left with her family. She gave me a hug, then stepped back, looked at me, and solemnly said: “I came to Centauri Arts Camp fourteen days ago wanting to be a lawyer. I still want to be a lawyer, but you helped me learn things about myself and so I know now that if I am going to be happy in my life, then I need to be a lawyer who paints.”

I’ve never forgotten that camper’s words, and they’ve helped us to hold onto our purpose over the years. Centauri Arts Camp creates artists, for sure. Artists who are successful, passionate and dedicated. But just as importantly, we help inspire the artist in every child, regardless of their future dreams. We show them that sometimes, whatever you do, life can feel more fulfilling when you unleash the creative artist inside.

Julie Hartley

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