“The People Project”. A new Collaborative Program at Centauri Arts Camp for Summer 2015

We're Offering a New Collaborative Program at Camp Next Summer! "The People Project" will run in session 2, and is an exciting collaboration between our dance, theatre and creative writing departments, at the end of which a full length show will be staged. Campers will explore human interaction, emotion and conflict, using the medium of [...]

Magical Moments at Centauri Summer Arts Camp – Part 4

Magical Moments at Centauri Arts Camp - Part Four This past summer, we challenged our counsellors to find ways to incorporate magical moments into all their camp activities. At the end of the summer, we asked about some of the specific things they had done with their dorms as a result. Here are some of [...]

Magical Moments at Centauri Summer Arts Camp – Part 1

Magical Moments at Centauri Summer Arts Camp - Part One... This year, during Staff Training, our focus was on magical moments, and how often, these days, childhood is so closely supervised and involves so many organised activities, the magic of those early years is disappearing, and needs to be cherished and re-ignited. We challenged our [...]

International Tour to England 2014

Our International Tour to England was a Huge Success.... We connected with a youth theatre group and shared workshops. Performed our play in a gorgeous studio theatre in Somerset. Made friends with UK teens. Cooked a meal together in the youth hostel. Hiked the Somerset countryside. Explored the new-age town of Glastonbury. Got a private [...]

Brazilian Banquet!

Olé, olé, olé, olé!!! Yesterday evening we had the delicious treat of a Brazilian banquet. Campers came into a beautifully decorated dining hall ready to celebrate all aspects of Brazilian culture. During dinner we feasted on traditional food such as yucca chips, Brazilian barbeque and amazing coconut and chocolate candies. While we ate the dancers [...]