As we move ever-closer to our twenty-first fabulous summer at Centauri Arts Camp, many of us are engaged in training events in order to make this summer the best yet! This began last weekend, when our camp nurse and health care assistant attended a training workshop for camp nurses across Ontario run by our very own Cheryl Bernknopf! Then this past Saturday, events kicked into overdrive. We ran a Breakfast Meeting for all Senior Staff, followed by a day of training events with our Mentor Counsellors during which we planned Staff Training, explored leadership techniques and discussed major events for the coming summer. Then on the Sunday, most of our Program Directors got together for a round-table session to kick start all the program plans, and arrange some super-exciting collaborations between different departments. There followed a fun and exciting Garden Party for
ALL the Centauri staff filled with games and laughter, as we all got to know one another better. The weekend ended with a ‘Pizza Planner’ during which we helped one another plan several of the amazing spirit suppers and evening programs we’ll be featuring at the camp this summer.
And now, summer seems closer than ever – and it is! In less than 6 weeks, Staff Training Week begins!