Spring Training Events!

As we move ever-closer to our twenty-first fabulous summer at Centauri Arts Camp, many of us are engaged in training events in order to make this summer the best yet! This began last weekend, when our camp nurse and health care assistant attended a training workshop for camp nurses across Ontario run by our very [...]

Devised Theatre Projects at Centauri Summer Arts Camp 2015

At camp every summer, we offer two types of theatre programs. The first type speaks for itself: programs that help an actor further develop their skills through traditional acting workshops and scene studies that most likely end in a scripted performance. The second type of theatre program can be classified as a “Devised Theatre Project’ [...]

Spotlight On: The Looking Glass Project, Session 3, 2015

Part of our mandate at Centauri Arts Camp is to give all campers an equal opportunity to grow and shine within an atmosphere that emphasizes a spirit of collaboration rather than competition. We want all our campers to have a positive and creative time at camp, regardless of whether they have any previous experience in [...]

Spotlight on… POP ART! Fine Art Camp 2015

In the first of a series of blogs on arts programs at Centauri this coming summer, I’m writing to invite you to join us for Aaron Alviano’s fabulous POP ART program! Pop Art – our Session Three Fine Art program for ages 12-18 – is a general visual arts program (painting, drawing, sculpture…) with a [...]

It’s Conference Time!

Last week, most members of our Senior Staff Team took time out from their regular year-round schedules to attend the Ontario Camps Association annual conference here in Toronto. We took workshops in everything from health and safety to mental health at summer camp, and from staff training and evaluation to leadership techniques. It was an [...]

Staff Cafe Night: Getting Excited for the Summer!

Last night our camp counsellors, program directors and Senior Staff came together at the Centauri Arts Academy in Toronto for an evening of yummy food, terrific friendship and wonderful arts performances! For many of our staff, this was the first time they had seen each other since the end of last summer! We drank fruit [...]

Categories: Camp Staff|

A Sneak Peek at a Few of our 2015 Arts Programs!

A Sneak Peek at a Few of our 2015 Arts Programs! We are now putting the finishing touches to our 2015 website and brochure, ready to launch on 6th November. Registration Day follows soon after, on SUNDAY 16TH NOVEMBER (returning campers) and WEDNESDAY 19TH NOVEMBER (new families)! In the meantime, here is a sample of [...]