It’s a special day at camp today, and everyone is abuzz with excitement. The monarchists have shockingly risen up against the president, and forced all the other citizens into hiding. What will happen next?

We are midway through our second festival day of the session, The Democratic Republic of King. Unlike many of our other festivals which are based on games, films, or books, this one is entirely original. The morning began with a swordfight in the middle of the dining hall, and the day continued with all sorts of fantastical games (such as mashed potato relay races!) to celebrate the people’s unity under elected president, Violet. Instead of spending the festival with the rest of their dorm group, campers have been separated into “factions” for the duration of the day. Each faction possesses a different area of expertise, such as science, crafts, or nature. Everyone has jumped into this adventure with enthusiasm, and campers wander past me decked out in flower wreaths and glitter, or draped in colourful fabrics.

Festival days have always been a favourite tradition at Centauri. They’re a break from the regular routine of camp – an opportunity for campers to explore a different art form, learn about another culture, connect with new people, and sometimes, immerse themselves completely in another world. Earlier this session, the campers all participated in our Play-in-a-Day festival, in which they created four plays – devised, comedy, drama, and musical – and a dance number, all in just 24 hours! Next session, we will be celebrating India with our Indian Festival of Colours! Festivals can also be full of exciting opportunities for our Leaders-in-Training to take on special roles throughout the day. They often play characters in the story, or lead other campers in activities.

After today’s festival, we are only four days away from dress rehearsals!


Centauri Arts Camp