Camp is over, we’re back from the international tour, lost property is sorted and all our arts supplies have been stored away until the following June. Now it’s time for us to relax, right?

2018 Camp Brochure
Fall is one of our busiest times of year at Centauri. September is spent taking registrations for the first semester of the Arts Academy in Toronto, and launching our classes. We also meet individually with all program directors, and by the end of the month, we’ve settled on the programs we’ll be offering at camp the following summer. October has a frantic pace: we’re designing program descriptions, compiling them into our new brochure, getting ready to launch next year’s website, and interviewing counsellors for the following year. We’re also readying our social media campaign, booking camp fairs, designing newspaper ads and setting budgets for the following year. Then comes November – the busiest Fall month of them all! We mail more than 1,000 brochures to camp families, enquiries and partner-schools. We host our first Information Session for potential new families and – most important of all – hold our Registration Day! At the start of November, before we launch our new camp season, we have no registrations at all. By the end of the month, we’re usually 60-70% full, and busy processing the stacks of application forms.
Early December is usually about the staff, as we finalise next summer’s counsellor team, and send out contracts to everyone. We’re also attending conferences, building our skills, looking for new opportunities, so Centauri can continue to offer the very best to its campers and families. And by late December, we’re ready to relax. The winter holidays offer family time, a chance to breathe and rejuvenate – because by mid January, camp fairs are in full swing, we’re designing our summer schedule, planning activities and ramping up for another spectacular summer season!
Julie Hartley