Play-in-a-Day is an annual tradition at Centauri Arts Camp, going back 17 years. Campers are placed in theatre troupes and can choose whether to write, direct, act, design, write songs, dance, play music or choreograph. The writers create their one-act plays the night before, production meetings happen in the morning and by lunchtime everyone is hard at work on their plays. It’s now 2pm and all across camp, groups are avidly rehearsing, sets are being built, campers are creating sound tracks and learning to use the lighting boards, dancers are learning choreography and instrumentalists are working with the music and lyrics our songwriters created last night. The mood at camp is expectant and energetic, ad everyone is inspired! At dinner, an adjudicator will be arriv ing from Toronto and this evening, all five groups will perform their plays (a comedy, a drama, a musical, an environmental production and a ‘travelling troupe’). We’ll end this evening with a celebration of everything we have achieved, and hot chocolate (with cookies) in the quad.

Last night was our 4th July celebration – “American Double Dare”! The winning teams competed in an obstacle course which involved water balloons and copious amounts of chocolate sauce (!!) while the rest of the camp cheered.

Check out all the photos here


Centauri Arts Camp