It is with a heavy heart that we announce the death of a wonderful man whose vital contribution to the world has been an inspiration to so many of us at Centauri.

David Stuttard was the founder, director and mastermind behind My Ubique, a charity that provides villagers in Ghana with the technology, skills and materials to dig wells for clean water. My Ubique has been a Centauri charity for the past few years, with camp activities raising hundreds of dollars to support this great cause.

David Stuttard faced numerous challenges in his life. He lived with diabetes, and lost his sight a few years back. Only months ago, he had his leg amputated, again as a result of diabetes. Despite his enormous personal struggles, David never stopped thinking of others. Trained as an engineer, he personally supervised the laying of ground pipes and digging of wells across Ghana, bringing clean water to close to 100,000 people. His incredible efforts on behalf of others gained him a knighthood just a couple of years ago.

Centauri is proud to have been associated with My Ubique over the past few years, and to have contributed in a small way to the dreams and achievements of such an incredible person. David was a personal inspiration to so many of us, and proof that when you believe in something, and strive to make that dream a reality, anything is possible. He will be missed by us all.

To read more about David’s life work: