Session 3. Ages 13-18
Are you filmmaker looking to create awesome content that will capture the attention of millions? Then join us for this new Centauri program! We’ll start with vlogging, exploring ways to generate terrific content and keep an audience engaged. We’ll show you how to set up a studio inexpensively – and arm you with the skills to get vlogging, once camp is done. Next, we’ll explore web series creation, brainstorming ideas, filming on location and completing a pilot to share with an audience on the final day. Join us for this exciting new program and develop the skills you need to make a scene in the exciting world of online video content.
All our Film and Media Camps…
Film Styles: Mystery & Suspense
Session 1. Ages 13-18
Learn how to keep an audience on the edge of their seats with the dramatic choices you make as a filmmaker. Explore cinematic techniques used by directors like Alfred Hitchcock, then create a short […]
Film: The Science of the Silver Screen
Session 2. Ages 13-18
Discover cinema in all its glory! Learn about different film genres and directors, drawing inspiration from their unique production styles, then write, direct, shoot and act as you work as part of a team […]
Film Production and Performance
Session 3. Ages 9-14
Instructor: Joey Litvak
Discover the possibilities of film-making… from both sides of the camera! Try your hand at storyboarding, directing, camerawork, production design, lighting and more as you learn how to tell a story visually. […]
Film: Take the Internet by Storm!
Session 3. Ages 13-18
Are you filmmaker looking to create awesome content that will capture the attention of millions? Then join us for this new Centauri program! We’ll start with vlogging, exploring ways to generate terrific content and […]
Writing for Film & Television
Session 3. Ages 13-18
If you’d like to create visual stories, build exciting characters and write dialogue that leaps off the page, then film and television writing is the thing for you. Learn how to structure a screenplay, and […]
Film Production: Eight Challenges in Eight Days!
Session 4. Ages 12-18
Expand your filmmaking skills in just eight days! We’ll set ourselves a creative challenge each morning and complete it four hours later. The result will be a sequence of short film experiments, each exploring […]
Podcasting: Writing and Recording
Session 4. Ages 13-18
Instructor: Bonnie Warburton
Discover the art of the podcast – from concept to recording. What happens when you strip storytelling down to audio alone? What challenges does this present? What opportunities does it create? We’ll […]